Sometimes you just have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting,
Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planned, but just how they’re meant to be.
– Unknown

I love Facebook for these inspirational quotes. They are like secret messages from the world that things will be okay. Eventually. And that most things, when looked at in the rear view mirror, aren’t as big as they first appeared. Or matter.
What helps you stay positive and grounded? Inspirational quotes? Coffee? Chocolate?
All of them for me, that’s for sure.
My garden, too, and the birds and squirrels who wait to be fed. Sorry, guys, the black bears are gearing up for their long nap (did you know that they don't really sleep all winter). To be honest, I will put a little seed out in the morning but only enough that it can be quickly eaten before any bruin decides she needs breakfast, too.
While they are beautiful and I love watching them pass through my yard, these large and quiet neighbors belong in the woods eating plants and berries. My favorite neighbors bring wine and chocolate.
Hope your early Fall guests put a smile on your face and joy in your heart.
Thanks so much for sharing a few precious minutes with me. As an active member of the Romance Writers of America, the New Jersey Romance Writers Chapter and the Kiss of Death Chapter, I write contemporary stories of suspense with a touch of romance where hope and heart prove stronger than any weapon and where happily ever after occurs, even if it takes a bloody route to get there.
Strong men and even stronger women are the stars of tales themed around hope and courage after being betrayed by those tasked with keeping the rules. These brave men and women love and laugh and fight to the death like a mother fights for her child, all while trying to balance the professional with the personal. My stories are born on that balance and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have had giving voice to them. All of this sets the stage in my debut novel, Contingencies. Let me know what you think and don’t forget to post a review. Stay up-to-date with new releases via my website with its free newsletter and prologue to Contingencies (along with other giveaways) or follow me on Facebook and Twitter.